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Mon - Fri: 07:00 am - 05:00 pm


person in apron holding loaf of banana bread

The Weekend Baking Prompt

person in apron holding loaf of banana bread

For those of you who have been following along on Instagram, you’ll know what the Weekend Baking Prompt is all about. It did, however, occur to me that I haven’t even shared a snippet about it on my blog *gasp*. It’s high time I fill you in what this whole idea is even about.

The idea for the prompt was sparked one afternoon when I found myself baking. It just so happened to be the banana bread you see here. I had made two loaves, one which I intended to keep and one I wanted to give away. My first thought was, “Gosh. I wish Mom lived closer so I could take her some.”

My thought immediately went to my mom because she’s my baking soulmate. I’ve been baking with her since I was tall enough to see over the counter. She always saved me the spoon (because what childhood is complete without licking the bowl). I was her ingredient measurer, taste tester and dish dryer. Fast forward to adulthood, we are now recipe sharers, cookbook comrades and the best of baking friends. 

person holding banana bread in loaf pan with kitchen towel

Beyond the techniques of baking, my mom taught me that baking is just as much about sharing. We were always bringing something to neighbors, to church and to family. So it’s no surprise to me that after making that banana bread, I felt a twinge of sadness wishing my friends and family lived closer so I could share my scrumptious creations with them. 

But it sparked a thought. What if there were a way that people could bake together even if they’re apart? Something that makes us feel the sense of community and home that we do when we bake? Something to share and inspire us to try something new? The idea for the Weekend Baking Prompt was born. 

banana bread loaf sliced with flower and knife

My hope with the prompt is that in addition to creating a community around baking, it gives us a nudge to experiment more in the kitchen. We all have those tried-and-true recipes we make time and time again. Trust me, I have MANY. In fact, when I polled my audience on Instagram, more than half said they stick to recipes they know. I blame my recent desire to try new recipes and ingredients on the Great British Baking Show, but truly, the prompt is meant to encourage us to branch outside our comfort zones. There’s so much satisfaction to be had when you try a new recipe. Even more when it BECOMES a tried-and-true recipe because it turned out so well. 

As for the details, a new prompt is released each Friday, and the goal is to bake your creation over the weekend. You can then share a photo of what you make to your Instagram feed or stories as well as Twitter with the hashtag #TERbakingprompt (stands for The Edgewood Road baking prompt in case you’re curious). You can also send email me directly.

And remember, I want to see it all – the good, the bad and the ugly! Just because some things might not turn out (and I guarantee there will be some!) doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate our efforts. I’ll be sharing my favorites every week over on my feed. As always, I love feedback and ideas so if you have an idea for a prompt you’d love to see, let me know. I’ll be waiting with ears wide open. 

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person holding loaf of banana bread with text overlay
glass of milk and plate of chocolate chip cookies with text overlay