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flatlay of breakfast scene with waffles, flowers and syrup

35 Waffle Recipes

Happy International Waffle Day!

flatlay of breakfast scene with waffles, flowers and syrup
close up of waffles and blueberries on a plate
flatlay and closeup of waffles on a plate

First, can we take a moment to appreciate how fun the word waffle actually is to say?! With the way the “W” and aww-“ffl” hit your tongue, it has such a silly and lighthearted sound. Waffles are definitely the happy-go-lucky breakfast friend. They don’t take their ornamental shape too seriously. They’re happy to tag team weekend breakfasts with all sorts of fruits and syrups. And they’re just straight up scrumptious.

But I digress. (Can you tell I have a thing for words?) Here we are. It’s International Waffle Day. I made some for the kiddos and I (well, just for Ronan…Sybil gets it second hand!), and they hit the spot! With all the delicious waffle recipes out there, I couldn’t let today go by without a waffle roundup. I’ve broken it down into a few sections – from classic and fruity to chocolate and vegan. There’s a section for unique waffle flavors too like cake batter and tiramisu (totally patting myself on the back that that rhymed)! Leave a comment and tell me which recipe sounds most delish to you!

flatlay of waffles and yellow flowers

Classic Waffles

Fruity Waffles

Chocolate Waffles

Vegan + GF Waffles (and alternative flours)

Unique Waffles

close up of waffles and blueberries on a plate

Did you enjoy this waffle roundup? Be sure to check out my other recipe collections below.

If you enjoy a baking challenge and experimenting in the kitchen, be sure to join my weekend baking prompt! You’ll get an email every other week with an ingredient, technique or category and have the following two weeks to bake something unique using the prompt. You can then share your creation over on Instagram tagging me and the hashtag #TERbakingprompt.